Not quite old enough to vividly recall that milestone night in February of 1964 when a four headed
monster turned the world upside down on the Ed Sullivan Show; but I surely do remember attending the Premier of “Help” at the Hawthorne Theatre in NJ about 18 months later.
As a young boy I was turned onto music and especially The Beatles by a hip Father who loved Rock and Roll. With a mother who listened to Broadway and Movie Soundtracks my world has been filled with music since I could walk. Elvis, Buddy, Chuck, Dion, Four Seasons, The Beatles, Stones, Herman’s Hermits, Dave Clark 5, just scraped the surface and offered my ears a glimpse of what the world had to offer.
The desire to obtain as much music truly began by the age of 7 or 8 years of age. There was nothing like getting the LP du jour through the Capitol Record Club of which my father was a member; adding to the fun was always getting a NEMS Beatles Related item! Dolls, Buttons, Books, Drum set, Poster, Shirts and Nehru Jackets…you name it, Dad bought it for me.
My first recollection of buying a record with my own money was at Sam Goody at the Garden State Plaza, the record was Hey Jude b/w Revolution and I still own that record today. I recall that day more vividly than yesterday. The vinyl addiction soon blossomed and by the early 70’s although the Fabs had disbanded my desire for music and especially The Beatles grew as I got older. In fact it has never waned, from learning how to play the drums at age 12; my love of all types of music had brought me to work as a Disc Jockey, Record Manager at a record chain store and brought me to so many concerts I couldn’t even begin to start the list. The first concert I ever attended was Paul Revere and The Raiders at The Steel Pier in Atlantic City back in Summer 1967 with my father.
At some point I wanted to become a DJ. I worked in Radio during and after college but then went the corporate sales route, always dabbling in radio at one place or another for fun. Welcoming every moment that I had behind the microphone.
Putting together The Musical History Tour each week brings me such joy and my hope is that the listeners enjoy it too…
Let me know your thoughts and I always welcome ideas for a theme…